023 9399 0073

Friends of The Consort of Twelve

The Friends of The Consort was established in 2004 in order to support the work of the ensemble. 

The annual subscription for 2025 is £20 for an individual and £25 for joint membership.  Benefits are:

Advance notice of all concerts and events

A reduction of £2 on all concert tickets

Free entry for children (18 and under) attending with a Friend

Friend's names will be published in programmes where possible (and of course only with consent of the Friend)

If you would like to become a Friend for 2025 please contact the Chairman of the Consort committee on 023 9399 0073.


In addition to the Friends scheme it is intended in 2025 to launch an additional scheme to be called "Gold Supporters".  

Gold Supporter status will be offered to those whose make a donation to The Consort of at least £250 (in any one concert season) . The benefits of being a Gold Supporter are:

Advance notice of all concerts and events

A free ticket for each concert

Invitations to special events

Gold Supporter's names will be published in programmes where possible (and of course only with the consent of the Gold Supporter)